Can I Give My Dog Tums? - What Is The Best Treatment For Your Dog?

by Richard

Can I give my dog tums? Are tums effective enough to ease my dog’s upset stomach? Are they harmful to my dog? These questions always come up in your brain whenever your dog gets stomach problems.

The answer is yes. You can use tums if your dog is struggling with a tummy ache. However, scroll down for detailed information to fully understand the dosage of tums and their side effects.

Can I Give My Dog Tums?

For humans, tums can bring us temporary relief when we are suffering indigestion and other tummy issues. However, it is not a long-term and effective treatment for certain stomach diseases.

So, when your dog is struggling with an upset stomach, and you need instant medicine, you may think about tums. That’s why you may wonder, “Can I give my dog tums?” As we mentioned above, tums can be used to ease your dog’s stomach ache. Tums are generally safe for dogs, so they are reasonably dosed.

However, before using tums for your dog, it is vital to consult your veterinarian. You must follow what your veterinarian tells you. Otherwise, tums can worsen your dog’s medical conditions and interfere with some recent prescription treatments too.

Have you ever wondered how tums work to make your dog’s stomach feel better? Here are the explanations.

What Do Tums Do For Dogs?

Before giving your dog tums, it is advisable to understand what tums are and how they work.

Tum is an antacid that helps decrease acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, and upset stomach symptoms. They aid in neutralizing acid in the stomach or esophagus, thereby reducing the pain caused by acid reflux.

Calcium carbonate is the key active element, and it works incredibly in neutralizing stomach acid. The calcium carbonate reacts with the hydrogen in stomach acid, removing any free-floating acid in this area immediately.

Tums don’t only remove the acid, but they also free up the remaining calcium ions, allowing them to be absorbed into the body. As a result, you can use tums to treat calcium deficiencies.

Tums, which act as a phosphate binder, are used by veterinarians to modify phosphorus levels in the blood. Only a veterinarian can do this procedure, so don’t try it without permission.

Tums are sometimes used by veterinarians to treat kidney disease under certain circumstances. However, it can also make the conditions worse. Therefore, only a skilled veterinarian can decide whether to use tums to treat health problems or not.

Additionally, tums are sometimes used as a calcium supplement, but only for humans. While one or two occasional dosages rarely induce negative effects in dogs, long-term usage might result in health issues. So, if you want to add calcium supplements to your dog’s routine, discuss with your veterinarian first.

How Are Tums Bad For Dogs?

Generally, tums can cause a few side effects in dogs when they use a small amount infrequently. However, substances in tums sometimes lead to loose stools or constipation. That’s why you need to consult your veterinarian before using it for your dog.

Call your veterinarian when your dog carelessly eats a bunch of tums. In most cases, your dog is unlikely to overdose or become sick because constipation possibly occurs and will be eliminated.

Here are some situations that can harm your dog:

Health Problems

Tums can exacerbate certain conditions, including kidney illness. Ask your vet which tums are safe to take if your dog has health issues.

Harmful Ingredients

Several chemicals, such as xylitol, are toxic to dogs. So, before buying tums for your dog, always read the label to ensure there are no hazardous components.


Chemicals in tums can lead to allergic reactions to your dog. Some allergic symptoms are not dangerous, while others can affect their organ system.

Long-term Dosage

Repeated exposure can cause medical conditions in dogs. If your dog often struggles with a stomach ache, try to use alternatives.

Pregnant And Nursing Dogs

It would help if you asked your veterinarian to get approval and supervision. These dogs are more sensitive to drugs and medicines, so that any spontaneous use can affect their health and puppies.

How Much Tums Can I Give My Dog?

Depending on the formula of compounds, your dog’s weight, age, and health conditions, the tum’s dose can vary greatly. That’s why you need to consult your veterinarian before giving it to your dog.

The following guideline is general for using the medicine in dogs, and it should not be used to substitute your veterinarian’s advice for your pets.

For small dogs, they should consume 1250 mg in over 24 hours. Medium dogs can take in from 2 grams to 4 grams, while the bigger ones vary between 4 grams and 6 grams over a day. Giant dogs can consume a larger amount of tums, from 6 to 10 mg per day.

What Safer Alternatives To Tums Can I Give My Dog Instead?

If your dog is suffering from extreme stomach aches and other tummy problems, contact your veterinarian immediately and don’t use any treatments at home, even tums.

If your dog often struggles with digestion problems, it’s time to consider medical treatment according to your vet’s instructions. Changing eating habits is also a good option for your dog. Adding more vegetables and fresh fruits to the meals can make their digestion better.


Can I give my dog tums? The answer is yes. However, you will need to follow some specific guidelines that have been discussed above to make sure using tums is safe for your dog. If you need further information, ask your vet carefully to treat your dog in the right way.

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